Release notes v11.2.0

Release Details

v11.2.0 - Do Not Serialize patterns.

Thisi s a minor patch release of uSync for Umbraco 11. it contains some small patch fixes and an update for RegEx based DoNotSerializePatterns HT @mayhammf


This release intriduces a new setting that allows you to tell uSync to exclude properties when serializing content and media based on regex patterns.

previously (its still there) the only way to exclude properties from serialization was to list them in a DoNotSerialize property

  "uSync": {
    "Sets" : {
      "Default": {
        "HandlerDefaults" : {
          "Settings": {
            "DoNotSerialize": "HeroBackgroundImage,heroCTACaption,heroDescription,heroHeader"

Now wiit hthis update you can use regEx in the DoNotSerializePattern property

  "uSync": {
    "Sets" : {
      "Default": {
        "HandlerDefaults" : {
          "Settings": {
            "DoNotSerializePattern": "(?i)^(hero)+"

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