Release notes v13.1 / v10.6 / v12.6

Release Details

v13.1 / v10.6 / v12.6 - BlockList and other formatting

This is a minor release of Translation Manager for Umbraco v10, 12, and v13. it contains some fixes to how block list translations are handled.

due to the nature of these changes we recommend that this update is only appled when you have no outstanding translations. (see below)

What's Changed


  • ⭐ Preserve versions of content (prevent cleanup) that are used in translations
  • ⭐ Don't include include styles and script tags in Xliff 1.2 serialization when splitting inline html
  • ⭐ New options to clean up non-breakable spaces in xliff
  • ⭐ New options to perform replacements in encoded xliff 1.2 values


  • 🐛 View button on an item shouldn't show when content item isn't published
  • 🐛 Fix copy from source if value is blank in Xliff 1.2 serializer
  • 🐛 Fix block list/grid translations find items by position within grid when key lookup doesn't work.
  • 🐛 Fix - hitting return in a content items name box causes the set dialog to open (for admins).

Blocklist/BlockGrid update

This release changes the way that block list items are indexed inside a translation job, previously jobs where indexed by the blockId, but between translated versions of a content item these values can become out of sync.

From this version content blocks are indexes based on postion and type of content item, this means we can always find the content blocks even when their internal keys have changed.

If you use block list or block grids then any existing translation jobs will be using the old key based index. and when this update is appled Translation manger will attempt first to look for the posistion based index. it should fall back to the key based index and find your content blocks but as with any update there is a small chance that this lookup will not work.

The likelyhood of this lookup not working is low, but whenver we change anything of this nature we change the minor version of the release and we recommend that you do not update with inprogress translation jobs.