Release notes v9.0.1

Release Details

v9.0.1 - Linux casing release

This is a minor patch release to the v9 (Umbraco v9/v8) version of Translation Manager. It contains file casing fixes that mean the package will work better in Linux environments.


  • Linux casing issues on views and components for Translation Manager.

Getting Translation Manager

Translation Manager 9 is distributed as a nuget package and can be added to your site in a couple of ways.

via dotnet add

via a command line you can add Translation Manager

dotnet add package Jumoo.TranslationManager --version 9.0.1

as a package reference

You can add the dependency directly to your projects .csproj file.

  <PackageReference Include="Jumoo.TranslationManager" Version="9.0.1" />

via Visual Studio package manager console

If you are old school . install-package still works

install-package Jumoo.TranslationManager -version 9.0.1.